Friday, May 14, 2010

The three top companies in the business is no other than Microsoft, yahoo, and Google. But recently Microsoft put out its new search engine that they are trying to advertise immensely. It goes by the name “Bing” and since it has been out on the internet its growth has been up to .4 to .5 percentage points per month. Yahoo has seen its share in the past three months fall 0.8 points, and Google is down 0.4 points.
As of right now Microsoft looks like they could be leading the market with their new search engine, but on February 12th Google put on the market their new G phone, this would be considered their “second Act” for boosting their percentage points. Also Google is coming out with a “super-speedy” internet. Google is going to send an “experimental “broadband network to selected cities and a selected number of people. Google is trying to build home internet service that runs at one gigabit per second. This would be incredible speed compared to anything we have now. Google is doing this because they want to improve broadband. It has always been slow in comparison to other connections.
The bottom line is these companies will always be in competition with each other. And they will not stop developing new technologies.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In the event of cyber warfare on the attack on Estonia I have learned that no one is safe from hackers. After the attack on Estonia the European Union and NATO came together to find out whom exactly committed these crimes of hacking into the banks and media outlets. They found pretty much close to nothing, but what they did realize was the how the “on-line Terrorism” worked. They consider it efficient; there is no “collateral damage”. Online warfare they can specifically pin point a certain website they wish to hack into.
Also I have learned why catching these hackers are so difficult. The IP addresses that they use are changed, so when someone is trying to track down the hacker, they could be tracking someone down in a complete different country that they’re even in. This is what makes catching these hacker almost impossible.
In another case, Georgia accused Russia of brining about cyber warfare. Georgia accused Russia for attacking official sites such as the Georgian Ministry of Defense. It could not be brought up for an entire weekend leaving Georgia vulnerable.
This is important to my private life because there is some of my personal information on the internet that I don’t want to be violated by some hacker. The last thing I need is for someone to find out my social security number and the next thing I know I am a victim of identity fraud. We as Americans need to take further steps in preventing such thing, and the first step by doing this is being aware of the dark side of the internet.

In looking into the apple Ipad I feel as though I have mix emotions on this device. I feel as though it will be a very popular device that many will be purchasing, because it can do pretty much everything what a laptop can do on the go, except for a few options. Also I feel everything that Apple has put out on the market has had great success, whether it has to do with the marketing and advertising of the product or whether the device just sells itself.

I believe it’s a appealing to the college students for a couple of reasons. First off with students carrying around their laptops and their heavy text books they could easily carry the Ipad from class to class. Everything they would be carrying could be condensed into one light weight Ipad. Another reason college students would benefit from the Ipad is the fact that they wouldn’t have to spend a large amount of money on the text books for class.

I think the Ipad has some downfalls, such as the touch screen keyboard. If someone is not use to using the touch screen or they just don’t prefer it because they are so use to using the traditional keyboard that can be a big complication in someone deciding whether they should purchase the product or not. Another down fall would be that the Ipad does not have any phone connection unlike the Iphone. It does not have a camera on it, so this would exclude any video conferences something even a smart phone can do.

I don’t feel that the Ipad will affect the newspaper industry, because people can pull up these websites with their black berry and iphone just as easy. Newspaper companies did not have to make a deal with any other companies because of this.

I think for the money you’re going to spend on the Ipad you can go out and purchase a laptop that can do the same options and more for the same amount of money.